A Message from the Director

As co-founder of this one-of-a-kind organization, I have had the privilege of being an integral part of STEP VA’s inception and development. In the beginning it was a simple concept based on individual need and an overwhelming desire to “help” people. Along with the other co-founders we introduced an idea to the community. That idea grew into a mission with a vision to serve all people with disabilities and their families.
“Expect the unexpected” is a common refrain throughout STEP VA, as is “it’s about the process not the product” have become well known phrases voiced in our midst. When collaborating with our participants and volunteers, flexibility in thought, word, and action opens the door for increased risk taking and trying new things without fear of judgement or failure. We have proudly built our organization by nurturing relationships with individuals, families, community, businesses, and corporations.
Welcome to the party! Enjoy meeting my friends who are part of our community! All people are valued and met where they are, every day. I cannot wait to get to know you as you celebrate the artistic process with us!
Jan P. Monroe, MS Ed, CCC-SLP
Co-Founder, Executive Director
Appointed Commissioner Virginia Commission for the Arts (2019-2025)