by Josie Blunkosky
STEP VA, Inc. is getting closer to its great production of “Seussical Jr.,” which they are putting on April 13-14, 2024; at Courtland High School. Today we’re excited to introduce two STEP VA participants: Hannah Hayden and Mackenzie Walker.

In “Seussical Jr.,” Walker explained, “I do a lot of dancing and singing. I am a fish and the Purple Bird Girl.”
Hayden plays the Red Bird.
“I Love the giant fluffy poofy headpiece. I am excited to be a bird,” she said.
When asked what her favorite parts of being in “Seussical Jr.” were, Walker replied that, “I love dancing and singing on stage!”
STEP VA is the local 501(c)3 nonprofit that “empowers people with diabilities and their families through creative expression and sensory exploration.” Its participants are interesting and dynamic folks, each with a lot of hobbies and passions.

Walker stated “Besides the musical, I love Target, Chick Fil A, makeup, slurpees, and ballet!”
“Having fun with my friends!” and “playing with my dolls and swimming” are other things she also proclaimed to do in her spare time, outside of school.
“I have autism and adhd. I love plushies, I am very talkative and energetic,” Hayden declared. “I love science and art. Crafting is a big part of my life.”
In her spare time, Hayden sews and creates plushies. She also loves to sing and dance but also reveals that she’s looking forward to being a scientist one day.
In just a few more weeks, the April 13-14, 2024 STEP VA “Suessical Jr.” production will begin. STEP VA participants Hayden and Walker have a lot to look forward to. When asked what her favorite artists and songs in the “Seussical Jr.” production were, Hayden answered: “I really cannot pick a favorite as I like them all. If I had to pick a favorite song it would be ‘Green Eggs and Ham.’ I am super excited as this is my first performance.”
Walker asserted that “Dancing in the show and wearing my costume!” were the things she looked forward to. She also explained it was difficult to pick a favorite song from the production, “I like EVERY song! It's too hard to choose!”
Hayden, Walker, and all the other Bird Girls hope to see you at the performances April 13-14, 2024 at Courtland High School and find your new favorite act.
Tickets are available online only at or directly HERE.
We hope you enjoy the show! Thank you for supporting STEP VA as we “Give People with Disabilities a Voice.”